We are fortunate enough to exist in a society wherein we address and recognize mental disorders as something important. Especially nowadays that these kinds of conditions are rampant because of how fast information can be relayed with the help of social media platforms. One of these mental disorders is Anxiety. Anxiety is currently the most prevalent mental health issue in the world, and it is particularly common among younger individuals. Children and teenagers are being diagnosed with the illness in significant numbers.
Anxiety has been defined as a medical condition that is associated with fear and stress. We often feel anxious whenever we are nervous about something that might occur in the future or about a certain event that has happened in the past. A feeling of somewhat being uneasy, suddenly tensing up, shaking, heavy breathing, fidgeting, and constant worrying are one of the signs one might be experiencing an anxiety attack. Since anxiety is rampant in this time and age, we should be aware of how to take care of someone experiencing this kind of medical condition. Here are some ways you can relieve anxiety:
Taking Antidepressants
One of the common ways to treat anxiety is by taking medications preferably antidepressants as they can elevate your mood. They can help you calm down whenever you feel like you are having an anxiety attack. Intake of CBD which has a similar use to an antidepressant is also helpful. CBD gummies by Vena is a product containing CBD since it helps treat and relieve stress, chronic pain, and also anxiety.
Take a Break
Overloading ourselves with work, stress and other factors in our lives can cause anxiety and it can affect our performance in those aspects. Taking a break or relaxing even for a while can be a great way to relieve anxiety. Another example you can do when taking a break is to follow breathing exercises that can be found online. Closing your eyes or even taking a quick and short nap away from the noise and in a quiet environment will definitely calm you down.
Seeking support from Friends
Talking to someone who you trust and love is always comforting and can help calm down in these kinds of situations. Sharing about how you feel and letting out these thoughts is another great way to relieve stress. It has been said that anxiety is less common in those who have a tight circle of friends who encourage them and engage in conversation.
Healthy Lifestyle
Of course, a healthy lifestyle can definitely help you relieve not only anxiety but also other disorders or illnesses you may be experiencing. Eating the right foods and regularly exercising can be beneficial when wanting to reduce stress and anxiety attacks. Not only for the physical body but also relaxing and exercising one’s mind like practicing mindfulness, meditation, yoga is helpful. Cutting down on foods and drinks that contain too much sugar and caffeine can also help as these types of foods can influence one’s mood. Too much intake of alcoholic drinks can also be a cause of the anxiety that you are experiencing so reducing them can also be a great help.
Being anxious isn’t always a bad thing, in fact, it is normal to feel this way. Despite that, we should acknowledge and help out anyone who is experiencing this kind of disorder. Often, frequent anxiety attacks may lead to depression which can worsen their situation. People who have anxiety disorders may have it hard as they can experience difficulty even in the smallest of things. Even so, there are still insensitive people who belittle others who suffer from this disorder. This is a reminder that Anxiety Disorder is real and that thousands of people suffer from it daily. It is a serious disorder that can affect the mental health of an individual that can also affect one’s lifestyle. More so, even the smallest assistance can be a major help to whatever they are experiencing.