What is a car insurance policy number?
The insurance policy number corresponds to a numerical reference or code that the insurance companies grant to each automobile insurance contract. You can find it at the top of the policy cover page.
How to know?
To find out the policy number of a car, you can download the Autofact Report for free. By entering the license plate number, you can verify if the used car you intend to buy has compulsory vehicle insurance with its respective code.
You can also enter the site of the Mexican Association of Insurance Institutions, AMIS, where they will ask you for the serial number of the vehicle to know the policy.
On the other hand, if you want to have your car policy at hand, Crab, a new car insurer in the country, allows you to store and consult your policy directly in its app, which is very practical in the event of an accident or setback. You can visit their website to quote your auto insurance and hire it if the rates and plans interest you.
What is it for?
The insurance policy is the contract between the insured and the insurance company, which establishes the rights and obligations of both parties regarding the contracted insurance.
The policy number is the code that individualizes each contract in this context. Therefore, in an accident, this number will be the first thing that the insurance company will request to enforce the policy and cover the damages.
Does the policy number change if the car changes hands?
As explained on the Transporte. MX site, it is possible to transfer insurance. It is crucial that the policy is included and that an endorsement is made to the new owner through a document that specifies the addition or change of an insured so that they are also protected.
In any case, in the same portal, it is detailed that the most common and simple thing is to cancel the old insurance and contract a new policy.
What is an insurance endorsement?
As explained by the National Commission for the Protection and Defense of Financial Services Users, CONDUSEF, the endorsement is a document that allows modifications, additions, or clarifications to be made to the policy and generally has an additional cost to the premium. For example, if you want to protect the sound equipment in your car, you can request an addition to those covered through an endorsement.
Email, chatbot, or virtual assistant
Customer service via email is not the fastest when you need information such as the policy number, but it is a resource that is worth knowing and exploring; if the rest of the possibilities are not viable.
Not all insurers have a chatbot service or virtual assistants for customer service incorporated into their website, but occasionally some companies rely on these communication channels. If you need your policy number, it is worth trying by going to your company’s website. It is easy for this service to guide you in the fastest way to get what you need.