Link Building to Promote Primary Keywords

April 20, 2022

Though it may seem an irony to claim to promote Keywords through Link Building, while Keywords are predominantly used to promote links and web pages, it is essential for businesses to promote their Primary Keywords in order to get customers to come to their brand content and web pages. Primary Keywords are the most prominent keywords that represent and refer to the business or brand. The promotion of the Primary Keywords of the brand helps it to get more business conversions by getting numerous visitors to its blog and web pages. Get the Best SEOLink Building Services Canada here.

This article looks into various ideas and possibilities as to how your Primary Keywords can be promoted and improve your results and performance.

Identify the Factors that Influence Your Business

There are many factors that affect a business which include external and internal factors. External Factors are those factors such as government legislations, current technology, news and events, competition, prevailing geo-political situations, economic and environmental conditions, etc. These External Factors act as strong undercurrents that drive the market forces and also play contributory or inhibiting roles in your business. These factors need to be keenly watched as they unfold and implemented in your overall and content strategy so that you can use them for your business advantage instead of getting caught off guard. Internal Factors are those factors that influence your business from inside your organization such as resource team, technical calibre of your staff members, strategic decision making, marketing budget allocation, swift planning, brainstorming and ideation, etc., which make or break your business accordingly as how they are handled and managed.

Classify the Keywords

The classification of keywords is crucial to the promotion of your Primary Keywords through the Link Building process. This is necessitated by the fact that a successful campaign depends on how and where a specific set of keywords are used. Keywords have to be used and applied relevantly and wisely so that they play the defined roles that they are used for. Irrelevant use of keywords is a misfit in the whole scheme of Content Marketing and in the end, the process becomes counterproductive.

Industry Keywords

The Industry Keywords represent your industry that you are operating and will connect to your generic industry audience.

Product Keywords

Better use of Product Keywords will gain the attention of search bots in search engines and internal search algorithms of various platforms and play a significant role in your Search Marketing endeavour. 

Brand Keywords

These are Keywords and Phrases that represent all your Brands and Brand Identities. These help with brand reinforcement and recollection, and more, will improve your SEO results.

Product Use Keywords

People use Product Use Keywords as search phrases to find answers and solutions for their pain points, problems and specific needs. Use of these keywords help retrieve your content in search results and solve people’s problems. 

Trending Keywords

A key strategic move, the use of these Trending Keywords attracts people’s attention as they want to seek information or enhance their understanding on current trending products, topics and situations.

Define the Goals

Your Link Building goals with regard to the promotion of your Primary Keywords can be defined and refined as Top Search Engine Results, Number of Web Page Visits and Number of URL Link Clicks. But before that you have to select and list the keywords that you want to monitor the performance for. You can use Google Keyword Planner, Moz Keyword Planner and Ahref Keyword Tool to research and find the popular keyword phrases. Once you have identified the top and primary keywords, you can start analysing and measuring the performance of these keywords for certain parameters and criteria.

Top Search Engine Results

Talking of keywords promotion, the first thing that hits the mind is their Ranking Positions in Search Engines. You can use SEO tools such as Keywords Ranking Position Tracker available in the website and similar such web tools sites for live-tracking the keywords ranking in Google and leading search engines along with other insightful metrics. This lets you improve the positions of your keywords with effective SEO and Link Building activities. The backlink strength of your webpages and effective distribution of your content across a variety of platforms and topics help push your keywords on top of the SERP results. 

Number of Web Page Visits

Another very important Key Performance Indicator (KPI) is the Number of Web Page visits that you receive for the keywords that you monitor and measure. It is highly necessary that your web site or web pages should receive a tremendous amount of relevant and quality traffic in order to achieve your strategic goals and business results. 

Number of URL Link Clicks

Using URL Links, you can achieve your Keyword goals in two ways. One, you can use your Primary Keywords as Anchor Texts for your backlinks to get quality customers to your website and get conversions there. Two, you can get relevant backlinks through the promotion of your Primary Keywords through search engines, blogs and articles, and make them visit your website.

Design the Marketing Funnel

You have to ensure that the Marketing Funnel that you create features all the types of Keywords that you want to promote and that too in the appropriate stages of the Funnel. Keeping in mind the three stages of Digital Marketing viz Awareness, Consideration and Conversion, use those keywords that fit these three stages in the various content forms and formats that you use for your promotion. As regards the types of keywords, you have tactically use industry keywords, information keywords, brand keywords, conversion keywords, generic keywords, specific keywords, etc., across the Funnel from top to bottom so that all your Primary Keywords get promoted in the natural way. Check Perfectlinkbuilding Canada for more details.

Decide the Content Requirements

Decide and finalize what types of content that you are going with for the promotion of your Primary Keywords in the upcoming campaign so that you can plan how to use these Primary Keywords and their related search phrases in the various content and ads. 

Decide the Usage of Keywords

The usage of Keywords has to be decided in advance so that effective Content Strategy can be devised such as creation of Article, Blog and Video Titles, Profile and Product Descriptions, Hashtags, Tags, Categories, Anchor Texts, etc., and used in your Link Building process.

Paid & Non-paid Methods

Instead of leaning on one particular method like Paid or Non-paid Method, you can eloquently use both the methods and get the desired results.


With the best of Content Strategy and effective Link Building, you can promote all your Primary Keywords and increase visibility of your Brand Content and Website.

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